Art based on geometric patterns is the most recognisable Islamic visual art form. From South-East Asia to parts of Europe, Islamic artisans of the past used geometric principles and simple tools to create great works of art whose aesthetic appeal is unaffected by time, language and culture.
- Traditional Islamic art sought to portray the meaning and essence of things rather than just their physical form.
- Geometric concepts were used to see God’s vestiges and help the believer reflect on life and the greatness of creation.
- This use of geometric ratios and figures in design is not only an Islamic tradition but was also employed in the creation of Egyptian, ancient Indian, Greek and Roman architecture. Medieval European cathedrals also incorporated symbolic geometry.
Our primary art project for 2018 was the Sacred Geometry Art competition. Art based on geometric patterns is the most recognisable Islamic visual art form. From Southeast Asia to parts of Europe, Islamic artisans of the past used geometric principles and simple tools to create great works of art whose aesthetic appeal is unaffected by time, language and culture. SalamFest endeavours to provide opportunities for communities to engage and connect with everyday Muslims by sharing stories, values, arts, culture and cuisine.
We continually strive to provide the best possible platform to our artists, which is reflected throughout our activities. The calibre of entries was phenomenal, and our team was inspired by the amount of original thought and creativity that we witnessed in the submissions. We collated all entries and presented them as a digital presentation that will be played at Fed Sq, which gets the most significant number of visitors in Melbourne.
Winners will receive prizes from Sheikh Mazen Ahram, the Imam and Monitor of All the Mosques in Jerusalem. It was an absolute honour to have the Sheikh because he is the 39th Descendant of our beloved Prophet PBUH.